Honey Wild: Yellow Box (Seasonal) - MG

Malfroy's Gold
$57.15 1 kg Honey Wild: Yellow Box (Seasonal) - MG

Seasonal Wild Honey variety. This classic honey is produced from 100% natural comb in bee-friendly Warré hives at altitudes of 700 to 1000m above sea level, located on the traditional lands of the Wiradjuri People (Central Tablelands of NSW). In pure form, this is a delicate yet powerful honey with a hay yellow colour, full body, characteristic sweet floral flavour and lingering clean high notes.

The main honey flows are produced from it’s namesake, the Yellow Box (Eucalyptus melliodora) and the Red Stringbybark (Eucalyptus macrorhyncha) trees, which supply an abundance of nectar during flowering, every two to four years. When the trees are in the height of bloom, the tablelands are alive with their floral, aromatic perfume.

The quality of honey from this area is astounding, partly due to the dry climate, high altitude and hot summers. Yellow Box also has the lowest GI rating of any Australian honey!

‘Wild Honey’ is a term that was pioneered by the founders of Malfroy's Gold themselves -  to describe honey produced by wild bees, in wild environments, with bees housed in wild type (natural comb) hives, and bee colonies functioning using minimal human intervention. 

All of Malfroy’s Wild Honey is sourced from 300 bee-friendly Warré hives, located in permanent apiaries in the wilderness of the Blue Mountains and the Central Tablelands of NSW. Their Natural Beekeeping practices exceed both the organic and biodynamic standards for apiculture. All of their Wild Honey varieties have been found to be therapeutically beneficial (comparable to manuka honey), with medicinal activity ranging from TA10+ to TA25+.

Note: As Malfroy’s Wild Honey is genuinely cold pressed* from virgin comb, it will be crystallised in the jar. Cold pressed honey often has a cloudy or opaque appearance and a soft, thick, even texture with finely grained crystals. *Malfroy’s Gold are the only commercial beekeepers in Australia offering honey produced in this manner, and are one of only a handful of commercial beekepers in the world using this pre-industrial technique.

Text ©Malfroy's Gold, 2021.

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