Lesley & Quentin from Kurrawong Organics

Lesley & Quentin from Kurrawong Organics

The Bland family have been farming since 1931, it all started when Charles Bland grew the first harvest of Brussel Sprouts in NSW. Since then the farm has been running for 3 generations with Quentin & Lesley tending to the land that lies amongst state forest in Kirkconnel, only 171km from Sydney. The Kurrawong Organics farm is famous for its brassica varieties with broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage being their staple crop. They have been recognised by Delicious Food Magazine for having award winning broccoli, beetroot and brussel sprouts in 2015 and 2016 and you’ll find their produce in the Ooooby box on a weekly basis. The Bland’s passion stems from from the challenge of providing local and top quality produce, Lesley saying that “every season is different and achieving consistency through dedication is gratifying”. With the next generation of Kurrawong Organics already in good hands, with their son Tobias picking up the farming way of life.

It is a movement I believe in with values that I respect, that connects People to an Environment of Amazing Food and Purpose.

— Patrick

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